Issue Position: Healthcare & Human Services

Issue Position

While much of the health care and human services debate has occurred at the federal level, many of the services are delivered through the state or its providers. Brad believes strongly that individuals should have flexibility when it comes to health care issues. Increasing government's role in health care is not a successful path for individuals, except for our most vulnerable who cannot provide for themselves.

The delivery of health care and human services has significant room for improvement and efficiency in Washington State. Mental health and chemical dependency services continue to undergo changes. In our area, the Chelan-Douglas Regional Support Network is now the newly-formed Behavioral Health Organization. This organization will help invest state and federal funds for integrated mental health and chemical dependency. Ultimately, providers will be looking at the whole person--and how issues are interrelated--in regards to health. Brad is thankful for the health care facilities in North Central Washington and believes that it is critically important to maintain and continually improve these services in our area.
